What is SEND?
SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability.
All nurseries have a duty to be accessible and inclusive for the children within their setting. We must also publish information on our website about how we support SEND children within our nurseries. This is called the Local Offer. To view our local offer, please click on the links below
EMily-Lousie Allcock
SENCo: Mucky Pups Day Nursery
Garretts Green, Birmingham
Justine Oliver
SENCo: Mucky Pups Day Nursery
Olton, Solihull
Paula Tidmus
LEAD SENCo: Mucky Pups Day Nursery
FAQ for Special & Additional Needs
1.How will the pre-school/ nursery support my child with special educational needs?
Our babies and young children are always individuals first, each with a unique profile of abilities. At Mucky Pups, we ensure the daily routines should flow with the child’s needs. All of our planning starts with observing children first, in order to understand and consider their current interests, development and learning. This observation allows the key person to assess and plan for the individual child and then analyse, what they have found out about the child so that we can plan for the next steps in their learning. (see the diagram below)
Our trained SENDco and the manager will always oversee the education of any children with SEND and ensure our inclusion policy is adhered to. A key person will be assigned to the child and carry out the day to day care of the child as well as support the learning and development of the child; they will be working with the child on a daily basis. A secondary key person called a co-key person will also be allocated in the event of the primary person being on annual leave or off sick for any reason. The role of the key person is to carry out observations, liaise with the parents each time the child is in, and plan for the child and support targets on the child’s Individual Educational Plan. In addition to this, the manager and SENDco will liaise and encourage you as parents or carers to participate in meetings along with other professionals that are involved and have contact with your child.
We are always proactive in seeking the relevant staff training that will help us to meet the individual needs of our children. and help them develop and make the best possible progress they can.
2. How does the nursery know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?
When your child first joins the nursery, we encourage you to discuss any areas of concern with us at the earliest opportunity. We would identify children with special educational needs through observation and children’s assessments, using the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) as a guide.
Our staff are fully trained and able to identify where children may need some support. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, you can raise these concerns and get advice from the key person, manager and the SENCo The nursery has an open door policy so you can come and speak to us at any time.
Your child’s key person will give regular feedback and communicate with you each time your child is in the nursery. The nursery has a SEND Policy in place that all staff and parents are made familiar with when they join us. We have excellent connections with the Early Years team who can provide advice and guidance to the setting and parents. We will do our very best to support all special educational needs, seeking the appropriate training for our staff, to enable them to meet your child’s needs.
3. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
We are committed to ensuring that all children are able to access an education, are made to feel welcome, and that our activities promote their welfare and development. We look at each child’s individual needs and adapt activities accordingly, making them accessible and inclusive to make the child feel included in the group. We will put an Individual Education Plan (IEP) in place for your child, so that their key person can facilitate your child’s development. We liaise and involve the Early Years’ Service and apply for additional funds if necessary based on the child’s needs to support their learning and development
4. How will the nursery review my child’s progress and how shall they share it with me?
We recognise that parents hold key information and play a critical role in their child’s education. We understand the importance of their contribution, views and feelings with regards to their child’s development.
We will do our very best to support both the child and the parents /carers and will aim to include them at all stages of the planning and assessment process, offering support and guidance and arranging time for the parent/s to discuss their child’s progress. Any outside agencies that are involved in supporting the child’s learning and development will also be included. We have an open door policy.
We always listen to parent’s views, taking into account their knowledge and experiences; allow parents to access their child’s records/IEP at any time and encouraging them to also be working on the same targets at home, giving you guidance on how to do this. We will also ensure that parents are aware of local services. A communication diary can be provided for the carer and the key person to have regular communication.
The parents will be given the opportunity to contribute with new targets when it comes to changing the targets for the IEP. Training for the parents can be sourced to help give them a better understanding and guidance on their child’s needs.
5. What training do the staff have in supporting children with special educational needs or disabilities?
We currently have at least three member of staff trained and experienced as a SENCo and they regularly attend SEND Support and Inclusion update meetings. The staff that are chosen to work with children with SEND will be best suited in experience and knowledge.
They will be qualified, paediatric first aid trained and have a sound knowledge of children’s development. Many of our staff have undergone Makaton training and use it on a daily basis within the classroom. Most of our staff have also had Speech and Language, autism and behaviour management training.
We actively promote new training sessions and will seek out training in any specific areas that are required. Our staff are regularly observed by members of management. We allocate training based on the needs of the children as well as looking at individuals continuous professional development (CPD).
6. How accessible are the environments?
We prioritise communication. If the family has English as an additional language they will be encouraged to share key words in their home language for the key person to understand with the child.
Mucky Pups have a range of different nursery layouts and each nursery is unique. The Manager, key person and SENCo can work with the parents to provide the best room for the child to have the best access to all of the resources and activities every day to meet their needs.
If your child needs specific equipment then this will be provided through the Early years SEND team.
7. How will the nursery help my child move on to school?
Transitions an extremely important time for any child. The key person ensures that these transitions are well planned and supported with the help of the SENCo.
When a child first starts at the nursery the key person will work with the parent to devise appropriate times for the child to settle into the nursery at their own pace.
When a child transitions to another room at Mucky Pups, their key person will liaise with their new key person to relay and hand over relevant information for that child.
The child will have a range of settling in sessions into the next age range to secure successful transitions. The new key person will ensure that the child’s interests and needs are catered for and that the child is well adjusted to their new room and peers.
When a child is ready to transition to School their new teachers will be invited into the nursery to meet with their key person and the SENCo. All relevant transition supporting documents are completed and relayed to the School to ensure a smooth transition takes place for all children.
For further information please contact the nursery manager.
More information, advice and support
The local offer- what is available for children and young people with special educational needs in Birmingham.
The local offer- what is available for children and young people with special educational needs in Solihull.
Information for Families (including SEN and Disability advice services)